Sl.No Crime Heads 2019 (2019) 2020 (2020) 2021 (2021) 2022 (2022) 2023 (2023)
1 Murder 13 18 17 16 22
2 Attempt to commit murder 38 24 19 39 50
3 CH- Not amounting to Murder 6 4 5 128 11
4 Rape 111 76 101 47 114
5 Kidnapping & abduction 0 10 9 12 18
6 Dacoity 4 5 4 1 6
7 Robbery 37 33 36 60 62
8 Theft 119 81 91 348 542
9 Riots 303 433 166 54 62
10 Criminal breach of trust 30 15 16 24 28
11 Cheating 1193 619 432 512 758
12 Counterfeiting 1 0 2 2 1
13 Arson 13 21 11 13 14
14 Hurt 1011 807 768 953 1111
15 Dowry Deaths(304(B) IPC) 0 0 0 0 0
16 Molestation 180 131 157 190 214
17 Cruelty by husband or relatives 170 153 307 355 316
18 Other IPC Crimes 479 1320 327 6185 6832
Total cognizable crimes(IPC cases) 3708 3750 2468 8939 10161
Last updated on June 15, 2024